MNS is proud to announce the Cabrillo Estates Storm Water Emergency Basin Repairs project has been honored by the American Society of Civil Engineers, San Luis Obispo Branch for Outstanding Emergency Response Project of the Year Award. In response to the devastating levee failure and subsequent flooding in January 2023, Los Osos Community Services District (LOSCD) swiftly implemented emergency actions to prevent further damage and restore capacity to the critical basin. With unwavering determination and collaborative efforts, the project team executed full repairs within an impressive three-month timeframe. This remarkable achievement stabilized the situation, preventing further damage, and established a resilient shield against future flooding threats.
The MNS team accepted the award at the Annual Project of the Year program on May 16th at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, CA. “Being recognized for MNS’ contribution to the project is truly an honor! I take great pride in our team, which comprised professionals from our Water and Surveying practices. Their responsiveness to our client’s needs went above and beyond,” said Tyler Hunt, Principal Engineer.