Our Values
Making a difference every day.
At MNS, we work behind the scenes, providing quality infrastructure services that enhance your community’s foundation for the future. Our mission is to provide quality infrastructure services that improve people’s lives.
Always guided by our values and vision for the future.

Services and Clients
MNS provides high-quality infrastructure services to a range of clientele including government agencies, organizations, and universities as well as private and corporate interests. Many of our clients are repeat customers, who have developed trusting relationships with MNS principals and staff.
We operate with sound business practices. We are organized and have systems in place for a good work/life balance. We use state-of-the-art technology to enhance our performance, quality, and profitability. Our financial systems are modern, efficient, and give us real-time well organized data that is well understood. Our premier business development and marketing efforts are highly effective.
Our staff is motivated. Our benefits equal or exceed anyone in our market. We have organized, comprehensive, consistent, and ongoing recruitment efforts. Our people are well trained in technical, business management, and related areas, e.g. supervision and management, workload, and project management. The training is high quality and appropriate to the individual and our company’s needs. Career paths are clearly defined.
Our vision, values, and goals are clearly defined and broadly communicated. An organizational chart clearly defines the leadership of the company and each department. We have a leadership development plan and policies, and ownership has expanded to include other talent. How people are invited to become owners and how people divest is clearly defined.